5 How do you believe you received the burden from God to intercede as did Nehemiah for his nation?

Written by on August 26, 2021

How do you believe you received the burden from God to intercede as did Nehemiah for his nation? Is there anything that stuck out to you that you believe God laid on your heart to follow in the situation? How have you been applying the Word of God in that situation or circumstance?

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  1. Patricia Grimes Jones   On   December 17, 2021 at 12:27 pm

    Also in 2017 I went through some serious trauma with the lost of my Husband and hisMother back to back like 2 weeks apart she went first? When I went to call to verify. About my husband I found that she had passed 2 weeks prior of my husband death? That was very hard for me, because I had just gotten of the hospital fighting for my on life that neither one of them even new as well? This is why we must pray and stay close to one another at all times?

  2. Patricia Grimes Jones   On   December 17, 2021 at 12:23 pm

    Because of the strong attacks that are coming my way it just seems like I can’t get a breakthrough no kind of way. But God covers me with his anointing power f the shadow of his almighty wings?

  3. Gloria Johnson   On   December 5, 2021 at 3:59 pm

    Original, I thought the burden was just a deep concern. There appear to be a large different in what God called His church leaders to do and what I am seeing in the natural. First, I fasted and prayed for myself. Second, gathered others who are willing and available to pray for church leaders. Now, continuing to pray and asking God to open my natural eyes to see spiritual things. He is answering my request.

  4. Gloria Jean Williams   On   October 30, 2021 at 11:25 pm

    Awhile back in 1976 when I was going through the devastation of my husband (now divorced) being imprisoned, and taking care of his son, because his mother didn’t want to care for him anymore, in trying to find resources for my step-son, the Lord told me to never give up on these children because they are the most needed. In 2008, the Federal Government’s report was children of incarcerated was at the top of the list as being the neediest out of all the children in the United States.

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